The documents and records related to the previous and ongoing work of the GPSA have been assembled here for ease of access. Please find links to legislation, minutes, agendas, budgets, and other documents below.
Governing Documents – The Constitution and Bylaws of the Penn State GPSA are our two primary governing documents.
Legislation – Bills and Resolutions that have been passed by the most recent GPSA Assembly, as well as previous assemblies, can be found at the provided link.
Budgets – The budget for the most recent fiscal year (beginning in July and ending in June), as well as budgets from previous years, can be found at the provided link.
Assembly Meeting Records – Records from GPSA Assembly meetings, including the agendas, minutes, and recaps of meetings, can be found at the provided link.
Executive Branch Minutes – Minutes from the meetings of the GPSA Executive Board can be found at the provided link.
GPSA Awards and Past Winners – Details about the GPSA Awards, including criteria and past winners, are available through the provided link.
Recordings – Recordings of special presentations at GPSA Assembly meetings as well as various GPSA events can be found at the link provided, as well as at the GPSA YouTube Channel.