Executive Board Reports
In Executive Board reports, President Schönn Franklin shared that he had a meeting with Damon Sims and discussed separate issues that different student governments are working on. UPUA is working on literacy at Penn State and an administration program with Days for Girls to have menstrual cups in all bathrooms. He is still working with the Interim Dean and VP of external relations for the role of Graduate School development officer and responsibilities as well as criteria for the candidates. Assistant/Associate Directors for Well-Being and Professional Development at the Graduate School searches continue. The Graduate Dean search committee has not yet been recalled into action, it is expected to happen sometime in April.
Treasurer Matt Billups shared that there is $29,000 available for funding events and programs. He also reached out to all committee chairs to discuss funds for the rest of the fiscal year. He also showed an Excel template for chairs to use to have an estimate of how much money events will cost, and this template can be filled out and sent to him to review. Furthermore, he shared a presentation on funding for the GPSA’s election, noting that the GPSA was authorized to spend up to $2000 on elections. This money can be used by candidates for promotional materials or GPSA itself for election needs. There were different proposals with different amounts split between candidate reimbursement and recruitment.
Secretary Alex Zhao asked committee chairs to please send him attendance records after each committee meeting and to please let someone know if you are coming to the meeting late. He also said he will be sending out the newswire tomorrow so please submit any event announcements or graphics by noon tomorrow. The elections page is ready and will be publicized after this meeting, if you go to gpsa.psu.edu/elections you can find it, he asked members to publicize it and the intent to run form.
Faculty Senator Lillian Schaeffer did not have anything to report. Faculty Senator Ali Watts mentioned that there will be a forum on the 22nd about the process for selecting senators, especially student faculty senators, and they will talk about increasing recruitment.
Graduate Council Claire Kelling shared that the Graduate council meets next Wednesday. They will discuss a new policy on dual-title programs. The proposed policy says that credits required on the dual-title masters or doctoral program may be counted towards the student’s graduate major requirements but any double-counting allowed or any limits need to be made clear when the program is approved. There is also a policy on concurrent degrees that will be discussed but not voted on.
Speaker of the Assembly Sandeep Krishnakumar said thank you to everyone who filled out the attendance form and to keep signing it and to please reach out to him if you have any questions or updates. We have a large remaining balance on funding, which means that it should be used in the best way so please keep planning events. Also he asked committee chairs to send him attendance and notes by tomorrow at 12.
New Chief Justice Ian Tennison shared that today Alex posted the new intent to run form and there is until March 23rd to apply to run. There is a new version of the bylaws available on the shared drive.
New Business
Committee Reports:
- Advocacy and Diversity: Chair Megan Minnich shared that two Sundays ago was the PRIDE Brunch, and it went great. As well as she shared that they have discussed cosponsoring an event or bringing in a speaker.
- Professional Development: Chair Niladri Sekhar Mandal shared they met yesterday to discuss events, and that they are working on a writing bootcamp for early March, a consultancy workshop, and an international student workshop on how to approach job searches as an international student.
- Student Engagement: Co-Chair Ama Agyapong shared that the new committee met and decided to have a Co-Chair system. They have two events coming up around outreach, a student showcase, game nights, and coffee hour, as well as events for programming. Co-Chair Ram Neupane shared that the bike safety event draft is ready and sent to UPUA to finalize it since it is a joint event.
- Internal Development: Chair Travis Rusell did not have a report.
Liaison Reports:
- Noah Schiro, Executive Liaison for CCSG, shared that anyone can reach out to him if want to collaborate. They had a council meeting this weekend, in which they had a sustainability summit. The council passed various pieces of legislation, one in support of the Pell Grant Preservation and Expansion act of 2021 from governmental affairs, one in support of including OER and OAER signifiers and terminology in line with past class searches, and one in favor of housing and food services providing electronic receipts. He also discussed recent hate speech events at some Commonwealth Campuses and that CCSG is looking to have a unified student government response against these acts.
Advisor Adam Christensen shared that his office decided on a launch date for the next sexual misconduct survey, which April 4th.