On February 14, 2018, GPSA discussed the university-wide transition to Office 365 and passed three bills.
The meeting opened with a presentation from the Office 365 Project Team. The assembly was informed that there were two transition options, and they team was able to take feedback as to the most impactful way to roll out the new e-mail and collaboration toolset.
President Matt Krott addressed the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board decision to allow Penn State graduate assistants to be considered employees under the Public Employee Relations Act, and therefore have the right to bargain collectively. Krott urged the assembly to talk with their constituents and help them understand the implications of unionizing. He additionally emphasized that every eligible graduate assistant should take the responsibility to educate themselves about the unionization process prior to voting on the issue. To read GPSA’s full comment on this matter please click here.
Bill 67-30 “Sustainable Urban Planning Panel” passed unanimously, allowing for funding to go towards an expert panel that will be discussing how projects like the Toll Brothers luxury apartment complex affect the sustainability of the Centre County community. The event will additionally have locally sourced refreshments, on March 1, 2018 in 132 HUB.
Bill 67-31 “Grad Cup 2018” was approved and provided funding for the annual Grad Cup field day event. This event will be in late March or early April, and will give graduate students a chance to participate in fun, outdoor activities. There will be lunch provided, and a social (location TBD) after the field day.
Bill 67-32 “HHD Co-Sponsorship for a Diversity Movie Night,” was unanimously passed. Funding for this event will go towards refreshments during a the viewing and discussion of the Documentary 13th.