A special presentation by John Papazoglou, AVP of Auxiliary and Business Services, at the September 1st, 2021 Assembly meeting of the Graduate and Professional Student Association.
4.14 Meeting
- To begin the first meeting of the 71st GPSA Assembly, there was a special presentation from Dr. Michael Verderame, Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School. Dr. Verderame discussed both graduate education in the Fall 2021 semester for Penn State and the long term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
- In new business, Sandeep Krishnakumar, Delegate from the College of Engineering, was elected Speaker of the Assembly
- Bill 71-01 (Ride Vouchers to COVID-19 vaccination sites) was passed which provides for up to 2 rides for $25 total for 200 students to COVID-19 vaccination sites around State College and Centre County
To begin the first meeting of the 71st GPSA Assembly, there was a special presentation from Dr. Michael Verderame, Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School. Dr. Verderame discussed both graduate education in the Fall 2021 semester for Penn State and the long term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the upcoming fall semester, he mentioned that while it will depend on future conditions, Penn State intends to be back fully in-person for instruction. Dr. Verderame noted that there were several challenges that the Graduate School was addressing to make in-person instruction happen, including accommodating domestic students with health issues and international students with health or visa issues who can’t attend in-person. He mentioned that one of the difficulties was that relatively few graduate students are unable to attend in-person and that graduate classes are small to begin with, so Penn State is not planning on offering remote synchronous courses, but is working on potentially adding asynchronous online options for those students unable to attend in-person.
On the long term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Verderame mentioned that despite the pandemic, applications to the Graduate School, offers of admission, and acceptance of offers are all up across the Graduate School. He mentions that Penn State remains a strong choice for high quality graduate education, and that the Graduate School has made it clear that programs should prioritize supporting current graduate and professional students.
In Executive Officer reports, President Schönn Franklin congratulated everyone on their election win, thanking everyone who served and continues to serve in another capacity. He also thanked the outgoing president for making the transition easy, and reminds individuals who want to serve as a liaison or knows of people who would be good for vacancies for the GPSA to reach out to him by email or Slack. Lastly, President Franklin mentioned that the Student Fee Board will conclude interviews for at-large applications and that there was a recent focus group for the new Penn State President’s search process, and for those who had any questions to please let him know. No Vice President’s report was given as the position is currently vacant.
Treasurer Matt Billups mentioned that he will be putting certain instructions and references in a shared folder about purchasing things for GPSA events, including the process for hiring someone to provide a service for the GPSA, which is more involved due to a contract process. He also mentions that people should feel free to reach out about planning events and that he will be reviewing event legislation for the financial aspect.
Faculty Senator Star Sharp mentioned that the next Faculty Senate meeting is April 27, and to bring any concerns or agenda items for next year to her. For Graduate Council, Student Caucus Chair Claire Kelling mentioned that the GSFI committee has finalized plans for family leave for graduate students and that the Graduate School ombuds program applications are out. Outgoing Graduate Council member Ali Watts also mentioned that Phase 2 of the Pennsylvania vaccine rollout was moved up to April 13, GCAC received a lot of feedback around double counting of courses for graduate minors and dual degrees so that any changes won’t be voted on until the fall, the Graduate Exposition went well and there’s talk about continuing it in a virtual or hybrid format, and that there will be listening sessions for graduate students about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by discipline.
In new business, Sandeep Krishnakumar, Delegate from the College of Engineering, was elected Speaker of the Assembly. Sandeep was nominated by Yasha Duggal. He was a member of the 70th Assembly as a delegate who worked on the Advocacy and Diversity committee as well as the Climate Action subcommittee. Sandeep was elected by a vote of 21-0-0 (yes/no/abstain).
Bill 71-01 (Ride Vouchers to COVID-19 vaccination sites) was passed which provides for up to 2 rides for $25 total for 200 students to COVID-19 vaccination sites around State College and Centre County.
In reports, members of the standing committees from the previous Assembly described the work done by the various committees last year and what continuing efforts they have to finish out the year. During liaison reports, Julia Kelliher mentioned that the Night of Remembrance will be held on April 29th to honor students who passed away in the past 2 years, and that she will be bringing legislation to cosponsor the event with other student governments. Alex Zhao mentioned that the Student Transportation Advisory committee met, considering an increase to RidePass costs, and that a new parking deck is opening soon. Chief Justice Sam Altland thanked Emily Lesher for all of her hard work running the recent election and congratulating her on graduating soon. Advisor Adam Christensen congratulated everyone on being elected and offered that he is here to help any way that he can.
GPSA Announces Election Results for the 71st Assembly (2021-2022)
From last Monday, April 5, until the end of Tuesday April 6, the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) conducted elections for members of the 71st Assembly, including for its executive board, graduate council student caucus, delegates, and UPAC representatives. Below are the results:
Executive Board
President – Schonn Franklin
Secretary – Alex Zhao
Treasurer – Matthew Billups
Faculty Senator (Graduate School) – Ali Watts
Graduate Council
Claire Kelling (Eberly College of Science)
Katie Warczak (College of Liberal Arts)
Jalen Jeter (School of International Affairs)
Hannah Nolte (College of Engineering)
Assembly Delegates
Agricultural Sciences
Travis Russell
Ashley Smalls
Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS)
Elham Rahimi
Eberly College of Science
Yasha Duggal
Nico Terry
Seongryeong Yu
Sandeep Krishnakumar
Lauren Katch
Niladri Sekhar Mandal
Haroula Tzamaras
Health and Human Development (HHD)
Brooke Mattern
David Desmet
Information Sciences and Technology (IST)
Matt McGee
Inter-Collegiate Degree Program (IGDP)
Maria Isabel Da Silva
Julia Kelliher
Liberal Arts
Nora Tucker
Sherif Olanrewaju
School of International Affairs
Shaheed Soligné
School of Law
Megan Minnich
Eli Fields
UPAC Representatives
Hannah Nolte
Darius “Fuzzy” Williams-McKenzie