September 4th, 2019 marked the first meeting of the new Fall 2019 semester for GPSA.
The event opened with two special presentations. The first was given by Isabella Wester from Penn State Homecoming, who encouraged GPSA members to apply for Graduate Court. The second presentation was given by Nick Dietrich, who explained that GPSA meetings will follow in accordance with Robertโs Rules of Order.
In her report, GPSA President Claire Kelling thanked those who were involved in student orientations over the summer, as well as announced a few opportunities with Aurora career services as well as the chance for members to work on introducing new initiatives with CAPS.
In New Business, four new delegate confirmations took place, and two new associate justice confirmations. Min Gyung Yu, Zafar Anwar, Jasper Cannon, Hannah Nolte, Michelle Massey, Lisa Cumming were approved by unanimous consent.
In Committee Reports, the committees laid out their goals and expectations of what they hope to accomplish in the coming months.